Monday, December 3, 2012

Ten Tips for Blogging

Here are ten tips for blogging: 1. Spice up your layout 2. Choose themes that are pleasing to look at 3. Upload videos, prezis, picture, or anything that adds to your blog's content 4. Share it with your friends and peers 5. Create blogs for specific purposes 6. Keep all of the information up to date 7. Make it personal 8. Keep it clean and appropriate 9. Allow for comments so you can get feedback about your posts 10. Use a blog to keep track of your progress with specific projects

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ten Tips for Creating Video

Ten Tips to follow when creating a video: 1.Make sure those being filmed are speaking loud and clear 2.Do more than one take in case one doesn't work 3.Back up you video so you don't loose edits 4.Make a list of scenes and shots instead of starting with nothing 5.Add still images 6.Make sure to have a title slide and credits 7.Add music 8.Make sure you have plenty of time to film and edit 9.Film in areas and weather that allows for adequate shots 10.If needed use transitions between shots...but not too many

10 Tips for Dreamweaver

Here are 10 tips when using Dreamweaver: 1.Make sure your text and page layout is clear and eligible 2.Make sure the content is organized appropriately 3.Make your Dreamweaver fun and inviting to others 4.Add pictures and videos to your page to make it interactive 5.Make sure to save and not delete pictures used in your Dreamweaver 6.Build from a template if you are looking for something easier 7.Put information in tables 8.Use anchors to create links within the page 9.Re size pictures before importing into Dreamweaver 10.Watch some videos on youtube if you get lost!

Ten Tips for Using Prezi

Here ten tips to follow when using Prezi: 1.Have clean and clear text 2.Use colors and text that is appealing 3.Incorporate videos to enhance you lesson 4.Incorporate pictures to enhance you lesson 5.Use the frames to structure your lecture 6.Make sure the frame to frame movement is clean and cut 7.Watch some introductory videos to learn the program 8.Make the theme fun and inviting 9.Position your materials sympathetically to avoid motion-sickness 10.You can easily share you work with everyone and work as a group on one Prezi

My Prezi

Monday, November 12, 2012

Windows Movie Maker Sample Movie

Here is the link to my video that I created while learning how to operate Windows Movie Maker.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Ten Tips for Webquest!

Ten Tips for Webquest! 1.)Use pictures to enhance the overall presentation 2.)Have students use pictures and links to pictures to answer questions 2.)Have a fun and inviting layout that is age appropriate 3.)Make sure the links are interactive 4.)Make sure each link works 5.)Make sure the links are age appropriate (look at displayed adds and popups) 6.)Have questions that require all different levels of response 7.)Make sure the overall goal of the webquest can be met 8.)Go through and answer the questions yourself 9.)Prove clear instructions 10.)Edit!